We meet Tuesday evenings 19:45 for 20:00, Thursday mornings 10:00 and Sundays 14:00. Tuesdays and Sundays are hybrid in person and Zoom meetings (Join us in person or using zoom, code 867 3049 5863) Thursday mornings are exclusively in person, see schedule below or contact us for more details.
Tue06Feb201820:00Club room
video a fore runner and introduction to next week’s talk.
18 February 2018 RadioActive Rally
Nantwich Civic Hall, Nantwich, Ches. CW5 5DG.
Open 10:30. Free parking. B&B. Traders. RSGB books. Raffle. On-site catering.
Contact: Stuart Jackson, 07880-732534. -
Tue27Feb201820:00Club House
No it's not another pie and peas night but PI computers , using them for all sorts of radio related projects !
Tue06Mar201820:00Club Room
Discussion on up coming events , and some shack activity.
Tue13Mar201820:00Club Room
Practical session in 3 parts
1 SDR and FT8
2 Bring your Multi Meter and test it
3 Rig training session on the FT5000
18 March 2018 Hack Green Bunker Rally.
Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, French Lane, Hack Green,
Nr Nantwich, Baddington Cheshire, CW5 8AL.
Open 10:00. Sale of electronic equipment, amateur gear, components,
military radio items and vehicle spares. Refreshments available.
See also 7 October.
Contact: 01270-623353, coldwar@hackgreen.co.uk http://www.hackgreen.co.uk -
Tue03Apr20181900-2130 UTCClub shack
RSGB UKAC 144Mhz Contest
Next in the series of technical evenings
This week, G0KHW will be demonstrating his Yaesu 767 whilst Dave G8KBB will be showing how to use a spectrum analyser.
Oh, and of course, learn how to use the radios in the shack !
Another enigmatic talk title - Albert G3ZHE will be up at the font delivering a talk on....
...well, don't ask me 🙂
It's practical time again
This week come learn from Glen about DSD+. Glen will be firing up the Pipo to give us a demo.
At the same time Dave will be giving a tutorial on oscilloscopes - including how to use an MSO which is a scope and a logic analyser all in one.
Oh, and of course, there's also the shack.
Sun29Apr201809:00Norbreck Castle Hotel Blackpool
29 April 2018 Northern Amateur Radio Societies Blackpool Rally
Norbreck Exhibition Centre, Blackpool, FY2 9AA.
Open 10:30/10:15. Trade. B&B. SIGs. Talkin. Parking. RSGB books.
Details: Dave, M0OBW 01270-761608, dwilson@btinternet.com
Web: http://www.narsa.org.uk -
Practical evening
Ok, three things on this week:
- Jeff will be giving a practical demonstration of the "Super Antenna SuperWHIP Pro-Pack Model MP1DXTR2" - possibly with FT8
- You need to learn some soldering techniques. Not the copper tubing variety Lee promised
- And in the shack, we have a completed patch panel. Learn how to use it!
Sat12May2018Sun13May2018Club Room Lymm slitting mill
National Mills Weekend 2018
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May 2018
Practical time again
In the clubroom, come try out your frequency meter. Jack will bring his off air standard. Make sure you arrive in good time to let your meter stabilise as most take some time to warm up.
Meanwhile, outside - assuming the weather is good - it's practice time. In June there will be a 2 metre walking DF hunt around the village so some and make sure your kit works in the car park.
Oh, and as usual, get some practice in in the shack
Tue29May201820:00Club Room
Planning - A look at coming events updates from the recent Committee Meeting’
It's fox hunt time.
Meet at the club house, there will be two stations to find somewhere in the village. So this is a walking DF hunt.
Both stations will be on 2m.
Sun10Jun2018EarlyHill top site
The 2018 144MHz QRP Contest will take place on Sunday 10th June 2018.
So pop to the bar, grab a drink and have a natter in the clubhouse. No talk this evening - natternight
Ok - it's DF hunt time again
As per last time, we'll be hiding in Grappenhall. Come and find us. Two stations, same channel, 2 metres.
Lessons learnt from last time
- close in on foot the signals can be large - attenuators help. Will drop the power down more after 30 minutes
- we should probably pick a quieter frequency - will announce that at 8pm in 145.450 - we'll either be there or will announce a change in frequency
7 July 2018 Stockport RS Rally [Saturday]
Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6SQ.
Open 10:00/09:30 to 16:00. Entry £2. Car parking around the venue. Talkin.
Trade stands. SIGs. RSGB books.
Contact Nigel Roscoe, G0RXA, 07506-904422, info@g8srs.co.uk -
Sun15Jul201810:00St Joseph's Hall, Mather Lane, Leigh, WN7 2PR
Red Rose QRP Festival is to go ahead!
Date; Sunday 15th July, 2018 11am to 3pm
Location; St Joseph's Hall, Mather Lane, Leigh, WN7 2PR
Admission £2.50
Easy access from all major motorways, A580, A579, etc.
Car parking, disabled access, Bring and Buy, refreshments, bar,
Table hire; £8 per 6ft table as in previous years.
Traders access from 0830
We hope you will be able to support us and help make this years event as successful as ever.
Please email g4hzj@ntlworld.com as soon as possible if you would like tables reserving or need further information.
Ron asked could we have another go at meter measurement - and this time he's offered to tabulate all the results trying to check each range...
..so bring that dmm.
Ron will be emailing round some more details I believe
One of the main events of the year.
Paul will be running the barbecue again this year.
Make a note in your diary. More details to follow
2 September 2018 Telford Hamfest
Enginuity Centre, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Salop. TF8 7DQ.
Combined with the G-QRP Mini Convention & Buildathon, 1 September
More Information: Martyn, G3UKV, 01952-255416.
http://www.telfordhamfest.org.uk -
Mon03Sep201819:30Morley Green Social Club, Morley Green, Wilmslow, SK9 5NTMon, 3 September, 19:30 – 20:30WhereMorley Green Social Club, Morley Green, Wilmslow, SK9 5NTSee http://g0vie.co
.uk/ncradioclub /finding_us.htm l for location details -
Tue11Sep201820:00WARC Club room
Sat15Sep2018Sun16Sep2018Midland air museum
The British Amature Television Clubs 2018 Convention!
Not had one of these for a while.
Lee G0AMU is organising a quiz night, so get your thinking caps on!
Competitive? Us? no......
Sun23Sep2018EarlyHill Top
Provisional date for the 70MHz Contest is Sunday 23rd September 2018.
1300 to 1600 UTC
Two sections low power 10watts
open full power!
Peter, G4LLG has a short talk on his experience with SDR receivers as panadapters and/or separate station receivers
28 & 29 September 2018 The National Hamfest [Friday/Saturday]
Newark & Nottingham Showground, Lincoln Rd, Winthorpe,
Newark NG24 2NY.
Organised by the Lincoln Shortwave Club and the RSGB.
http://www.nationalhamfest.org.uk (Not yet updated for 2018) -
Intriguing title.
Apparently this talk has been many years in the making.
Come listen to Albert G3ZHE to find out more
Ok, bit different tonight
It's the AGM of the community centre so whilst parking may be tight apparently there are refreshments on offer. Free ones 🙂
However that will probably a quick affair so we have another session. A discussion on Eshail Sat and video. We need to decide what we want to do....
...so turn up a bit early.
Fri12Oct2018Sun14Oct2018Milton Keynes
12 to 14 October 2018 The RSGB Convention [Friday to Sunday]
Kents Hill Park Training & Conference Centre, Timbold Drive,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ.
http://rsgb.org/main/about-us/rsgb-convention -
You know you must attend.
You have stuff in the shack you do not want, and you know you can't resist a bargain.
And to top it all, Paul puts on a damn fine show as auctioneer!
So don't miss the junk sale.
'twas the night after Christmas.
Well, perhaps not. However the RSGB Convention is the weekend before. Mike & Dave (and maybe others) plan to be there. COme find out what went on
This one might need to move slightly but this is currently planned for the 6th.
Peter, having sorted his software will demo the SDR panadapter setup and Dave will demo how to measure receiver sensitivity with a noise source and a PC. Did you build one of the noise sources a few years ago? Let's see if it still works.....
Roger M0DWQ takes front and centre tonight and will bring us up to date on the finances of WARC.
Sat17Nov201810:30St Vincent de Paul’s, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Road (A680), Norden, Rochdale, OL12 7QR.
St Vincent de Paul’s, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Road (A680), Norden, Rochdale, OL12 7QR.
Doors open to the public at 10:30am with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier.
Admission is £2.50 with those under 12 years free.
£5 per pitch (for traders with own tables) or £10 for a pitch with table provided.
Bring & Buy as well as commercial traders and amateur radio sellers.
Refreshments available including bacon and sausage butties.
Further Details: Robert M0NVQ
m0nvq@outlook.com Tel: 07778113333
Tue20Nov201820:00WARC Club room
**Updated 23/10/18**
Bill's talk will be on QSX Archives.
A double helping this evening - two practical sessions
Glen will be demoing the capabilities of his Stabilock
and Dave will run a hands on session on soldering/
Tue04Dec201820:00WARC Club room
“Transmission of Information (Data Handling and Information Theory)”
Drawing on music, detective fiction, bellringing and electronics, Paul, m0xpd, will describe his recent fun and games with the new type of ‘Step Sequencer’ which he has been developing, based upon some 400 year old permutations. Sequencers are simple state machines, similar to the ‘keyers’ familiar in amateur radio, which produce repeated patterns. These devices are widely used in the production and performance of contemporary music. Ignoring the old advice about never working with children and animals, Paul will attempt to interrupt his talk with some noisy demonstrations
Tue18Dec201820:00Club Room