The CDG2000 Transceiver
The CDG2000 Transceiver owes its existence to many people. Apologies to anyone who has been omitted – this is probably due to incompetence by the authors rather than to a lack of desire to credit those from whose work we benefited. If you spot an omission, tell us. Where to start ? Lets do this in no particular order.
To SERC/CLRC Daresbury Labs for providing the environment and space for Colin Horrabin to research low noise oscillators and the H-mode mixer.
To Peter Martin, G3PDM for oscillators that provided the inspiration for Colin’s double tank oscillator
To Pat Hawker for his columns in RadCom without which much of the original design work on mixers and oscillators would not have been published, and for introducing Colin to the work of Jacob Mackhinson N6NWP.
To AOR and to John Thorpe for the AOR7030’s double tank oscillator design.
To Wez Hayward for his encouragement
To Bill Carver W7AAZ for the IF strip
To Harold Johnson W4ZCB for feedback and encouragement
To Brian Mitchell G3HJK for reminding Colin to “Keep It Simple”
To Giancarlo (Gian) Moda, I7SWX, F5VGU for realising the merits of the FST3125