Join Us

Types of Membership

To become a member of Warrington Amateur Radio Club you don’t have to live in Warrington and you don’t even need to be a Radio Amateur! If you have an interest in radio communications or want to find out more why don’t you get in touch and come along to one of our meetings?

There are several types of membership available depending on your circumstances. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. Please contact us using the details below if you would like more information.

Membership Type Details
Honorary Life Member No subscription required. Member is entitled to full access of the club and its facilities. The members, following outstanding service to the club typically bestow this entitlement upon an individual.
Full Member Annual subscription of £120. Member is entitled to full access of the club and its facilities.
Junior/Student Member Reduced annual subscription (£10 under 18 & £25 for students). Members in this category have access to the club but limited to certain facilities.
Country Member Reduced annual subscription of £60. Member receives club magazine and has very limited access to the club. This membership is aimed at those who wish to stay in contact with the club but live well beyond the boundaries of Warrington and are therefore only likely to visit typically once or twice a year.
Family Member Annual subscription of £130. Available to families with more than 1 member.

Contact Us About Membership



Address : c/o Warrington ARC, Grappenhall Community Centre, Bellhouse Lane, Grappenhall,Warrington WA4 2SG

Secretary:    Dave Roberts G8KBB  Email :

Chairman:    David Charnock G0BCU  Email :

Training Manager:    James Lang G5JIM  Email :

We prefer members to pay for membership using Faster Payments from your bank account. To do this, please log on to the member’s forum for details of our bank account.

If you can’t do this, then the Treasurer can accept either cheque or PayPal. Please contact him for more information on these options.

See member’s forum for our bank account details
If you want to pay by PayPal, please contact the treasurer