What’s On

We meet Tuesday evenings 19:45 for 20:00, Thursday mornings 10:00 and Sundays 14:00. Tuesdays and Sundays are hybrid in person and Zoom meetings (Join us in person or using zoom, code 867 3049 5863) Thursday mornings are exclusively in person, see schedule below or  contact us for more details.

Event Information:

  • Sat

    BATC Cat24

    10:00Midland air museum Coventry

    CAT 24 will be a 2-part event. The first part will be an in-person meeting at the Midland Air Museum in Coventry on Sunday 4 August. The 2-yearly BATC General Meeting will take place during this event. The second part will be online, on Saturday October 26.

    The "Convention for Amateur Television 2024 Part 1" will be held at the Midland Air Museum http://www.midlandairmuseum.co.uk/ Coventry, commencing at 10 am on Sunday 4 August 2024. There will be a bring-and-buy, a show-and-tell display and a test-and-fixit facility for any Amateur TV Equipment. The venue will remain open until 4 pm. Aside from the General Meeting, the main focus of the day is to meet-up and exchange ideas about Amateur Television. Details of ticketing will be posted here nearer the date; admission will include full access to the museum's exhibits (numerous aircraft including a Vulcan).

    A function room (The Grey Lady Suite) has been booked for an informal dinner the (Saturday) evening before at the Old Mill, Baginton. Attendees will be requested to pre-order from the menu, and pay their individual bills on the night. More details to follow - but please plan to be there!