We meet Tuesday evenings 19:45 for 20:00, Thursday mornings 10:00 and Sundays 14:00. Tuesdays and Sundays are hybrid in person and Zoom meetings (Join us in person or using zoom, code 867 3049 5863) Thursday mornings are exclusively in person, see schedule below or contact us for more details.
Mon01Jan2024Wed31Jan202400:00Club House
There are apparently 637 operators signed up worldwide, one of which is Warrington ARC – with thanks to Mike.
You can read more about it here: https://www.qsl.net/va3rj/uploads/world_wide_award_2024_rules.pdf
The club HF station is configured ready to go. We’ve signed up for 4 slots initially –
- Thursday 4th January AM
- Sunday 7th January PM
- Thursday 18th January AM
- Sunday 21st January PM
So if you come along to the coffee morning or Solder Sunday on those days you can help operate the station (or just drink tea and watch)
We can easily sign up for other days/slots/modes/bands should members want to operate at other times – just let Dave (G8KBB) know.
Thu04Jan202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue09Jan202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
The AGM is an important event in our yearly calendar.
Once again, please try and join us for this. Election of offices (please feel free to volunteer if you wish), financial report, along with our Chairpersons speech.
Please get involved with the running of your club.
As ever, in person or via zoom at the normal start time of 8pm.
All members welcome
Tue16Jan202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
Have you pick one of these little handheld 2m / 70cm radios up yet? Cheap and ultra "hackable", they are a great and highly usable transceiver. Various firmware upgrades available and even comes with AM airband receive and a waterfall display.
Dave (G8KBB) takes a look at the least expensive radio you'll probably ever own.
Join us at the club house or via zoom.
Tue23Jan202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
Dave (G0BCU) embarks on a series of technical talks around numbers and the link to amateur radio. Dave has promised lots of pictures, as well as detailed explanations, so should be something in here for all levels.
Again, join us in the club house or via zoom.
Tue30Jan202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
We are excited to have John (G3XDY) with us to give a re-run of the talk that he gave at the RSGB convention in October 2023
The talk will give an introduction to the basics of Aircraft Scatter propagation, and to the tools and techniques available to optimise this reliable mechanism for making QSOs over many hundreds of miles at frequencies up to 10GHz
Please join us either in the club house or via zoom.
Thu01Feb202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue06Feb202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Another double whammy this week.
Many of us have taken part in the World Wide Awards which are running for the month of January 2024. Join us for a recap and review of how it has gone and see if there are any lessons to learn.
Also, Dave (G0BCU) will be giving us an update on the club rebrand.
all welcome
Sun11Feb202410:00Nantwich Cheshire
Sunday 11th February 2024 - 10am - 3pm
Radioactive Fair 2024, promoted by the Mid Cheshire Amateur Radio Societyhttps://radioactivefair.co.uk/
Tue13Feb202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Once again we will be demonstrating the club’s abilities and technical know how at NARSA. As with everything these events don’t just happen and a lot of planning goes in behind the scenes.
join us for our first planning meeting and get involved. New ideas and suggestions are welcome
Tue20Feb202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.
Sun25Feb202410:00St Josephs Hall, Leigh WN7 2PJ
- Free Parking
- Cafe Services
- Meeting Spaces
- Individual stands,
Club Stands
including RSGB,
Trade stands.
- 27Mhz users meeting
- Low cost bring and buy
- Raffle for brand new digital fusion transceiver
Tue27Feb202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
As I am sure many are aware OFCOM this week updated the terms of our licences, giving more scope to enjoy the hobby. James will be giving us a brief talk on what has changed for all 3 licence levels, what has come into effect immediately and what will be changing in the near future. I sure there will be a discussion following this and an opportunity to ask any questions, so definitely one not to be missed if possible.
Tue05Mar202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us either in person or via zoom for a video presentation of feeder impedance, followed by a demonstration by James (G5JIM)
All welcome.
Thu07Mar202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue12Mar202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
Mike (G4VSS) last year did a talk on the Tiny GS / LARA module. We are looking at incorporating the Mesh functionality available with this robust piece of hardware for our event stand at NARSA this year. Join Mike as he recaps and discusses how this can be achieved to project the clubs positive and forward thinking ideas
Tue19Mar202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us for our second planning meeting for the NARSA rally in Blackpool.
In the club room or via zoom, all welcome.
Tue26Mar202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
Join Dave (BCU) as he gives us this weeks talk on Fourier Transform.
"Fourier Transform is a mathematical model which helps to transform the signals between two different domains, such as transforming signal from frequency domain to time domain or vice versa." - copied from Google 🙂
Should be a great recap for some of us and something new to be learned for others - either way, should be a great informative topic.
Tue02Apr202420:00Club room or Zoom code 867 3049 5863
Join us in the club room if possible for a practical evening on setting up the LARA module, both building an antenna and setting up the hardware and if time allows, looking at the mesh side of these robust devices. If this is something that you haven't done yet and want to try, let us know and we will point you in the right direction to get the hardware ready to build it on the night also.
Thu04Apr202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue09Apr202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.
Sun21Apr202410:00The Norbreck Castle Hotel, Queen’s Promenade, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 9AA
The Norbreck Castle Hotel, Queen’s Promenade, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 9AA
Thu02May202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue07May202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join our Training Officer this week, as he gives us an update on what training is available and what the club can offer.
As ever, all welcome
Tue14May202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us when we will be viewing a instructional video on contesting. Looking at locations, equipment and how to improve. We have some contests this year, so a recap for all we thought, to make the most of our time when trying to get those points.
As ever, all welcome
Tue21May202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us when we will be looking at the application Spectrum Lab and how it's of use to us.
As ever, all welcome
Tue28May202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
We have the DF Hunt on the 11th June, so this evening we will be doing the preparation needed. Do you have an antenna already or do you need to build a simple one? Are you comfortable with your handheld radio? Bring you equipment to the club rooms and we will make sure everything is ready for this years hunt.
As ever, all welcome
Tue04Jun202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Mike (G4VSS) originally gave this talk a number of years ago. Since then we have gain a few new members and Mike has agreed to update it and present it once again. Maybe time to put some of the redundant equipment to use again..
As ever, all welcome
Thu06Jun202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue11Jun202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Little difficult to join in on Zoom on this one, with it being a DF hunt. If you didn't join us last year, James (G5JIM) was the only one to find Dave (BCU). Lets see if we can get a better result this year - followed by a pint in the pub, after a nice stroll round the village.
As ever, all welcome
Tue18Jun202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.
Tue25Jun202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Dave (BCU) will be continuing his series on how to simplify the maths aspect of Amateur Radio. The others in the series (available via you tube) have been great and I'm sure this one will be no exception
As ever, all welcome
Fri28Jun2024Sun30Jun202410:00Friedrichshafen Germany
HAM RADIO 2024: From June 28 to 30, everything will revolve around amateur radio in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. In cooperation with the organizers, the DARC, as the conceptual sponsor of Europe's largest amateur radio trade fair, this meeting will open the doors to a world of almost unlimited possibilities. This big, wide world plays a significant role in the motto of HAM RADIO 2024: We celebrate 60 years of IOTA – Islands On The Air!
Sun30Jun202408:00Club garden next to the bar
Thu04Jul202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Thu01Aug202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Sat03Aug202410:00Midland air museum Coventry
CAT 24 will be a 2-part event. The first part will be an in-person meeting at the Midland Air Museum in Coventry on Sunday 4 August. The 2-yearly BATC General Meeting will take place during this event. The second part will be online, on Saturday October 26.
The "Convention for Amateur Television 2024 Part 1" will be held at the Midland Air Museum http://www.midlandairmuseum.co.uk/ Coventry, commencing at 10 am on Sunday 4 August 2024. There will be a bring-and-buy, a show-and-tell display and a test-and-fixit facility for any Amateur TV Equipment. The venue will remain open until 4 pm. Aside from the General Meeting, the main focus of the day is to meet-up and exchange ideas about Amateur Television. Details of ticketing will be posted here nearer the date; admission will include full access to the museum's exhibits (numerous aircraft including a Vulcan).
A function room (The Grey Lady Suite) has been booked for an informal dinner the (Saturday) evening before at the Old Mill, Baginton. Attendees will be requested to pre-order from the menu, and pay their individual bills on the night. More details to follow - but please plan to be there!
Tue06Aug202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Dave (KBB) originally gave this talk a number of years ago. He talks about his involvement, in what we all take for granted now, Contactless Debit an Credit card transactions.
As ever, all welcome
Tue13Aug202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us this week for a review of the IOTA contest which the club recently took part in (did you operate?, chat? make tea?) - come and share your views on what worked and what improvements we could make for future contests.
There will also be a talk on the wire antenna, pros and cons - is this a good alternative? something you've been considering? why not join us for this talk?
As ever, all welcome
Sun18Aug202410:30St Josephs Hall, Leigh WN7 2PJ
Summer rally 18th August 2024
Doors open 10am *
Venue - St Josephs Hall, Leigh WN7 2PJ
Tue20Aug202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.
Tue27Aug202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Terry will be giving us a talk on a different topic this evening, Railway Signalling. Ever wondered what the different signals mean? how they are controlled? How it all works and comes together to keep us all safe on the tracks? Why not come along and hear the talk? I'm sure this will be an informative evening.
As ever, all welcome
Tue03Sep202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
This evening we will be discussing the various projects the club has undertaken and what we are all working on - along with some ideas for future projects.
As ever, all welcome
Thu05Sep202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue10Sep202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Every year the club gets involved in various contests and this year is no different. CHapels On The Air (CHOTA) will be the following weekend, so this evening will be a discussion and planning evening. Doing well in contests doesn't just happen, it is planned and discussed, making sure we have people available when needed, along with the right equipment to operate from. Come along and get involved. T
As ever, all welcome
Join us for this years CHapels On The Air (CHOTA) contest. Have a go at operating or simply keep the guys company (and make tea and deliver biscuits)
Come along and get involved.
As ever, all welcome
Thu03Oct202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue08Oct202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Why not join us this evening for a talk on the Meteor Beacons Project.
The UK meteor beacon transmitter (GB3MBA) is located at the Sherwood Observatory of the Mansfield and Sutton Astronomical Society. The aim of the project is to provide a meteor analysis system based on radio reflections from the ionised trail from meteors.
See, you've learn something already.
Clubroom or Zoom.
Fri11Oct2024Mon14Oct202412:00Kents Hill Park, Milton Keynes
A feast of amateur radio
This year the RSGB Convention will take place between 11 and 13 October at Kents Hill Park in Milton Keynes. This is the place to be if you are interested in everything and anything to do with amateur radio – there truly is something here for everyone.
We’re delighted that, once again, the event will be sponsored by Martin Lynch & Sons and we are pleased that AMSAT will be holding its Colloquium during the Convention again this year.
Tue15Oct202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us this evening for a talk on the Super Fox Mode used in FT8.
SuperFox mode is a powerful new tool that helps DXpeditions to make digital QSOs at very high rates.
Built into the latest WSJT-X, if you enjoy FT8, then this may certainly be an interesting talk by Mike (G4VSS)
Clubroom or Zoom.
Tue22Oct202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
A large number of members are attending this years RSGB Convention (with an optional trip to Bletchley Park).
Join us to hear about the Good, Bad and Interesting bits of the convention. Talks, networking and drinking is the order of the day for this visit, I'm sure.
Again, if you went, join in the discussion - or just sit back and find out what you missed.
Tue29Oct202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Join us for a talk entitled "An Introduction to APRS" by G4FZP
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based system for real time digital communication
As ever, all welcome, either in the clubroom or via zoom.
Tue05Nov202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
David (BCU) will be delivering his next technical talk entitled "Skin Deep". I'm sure you'll agree that David's talks are interesting and he is able to deliver technical and sometimes confusion talks in a fun and easy to follow manner. Join us for David next one tonight.
As ever, all welcome, either in the clubroom or via zoom.
Thu07Nov202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue12Nov202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.
Tue19Nov202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Another night where the reigns are handed over to other members to get involved. Bring your projects to the club house and show off your latest work. Mike (VSS) will be delivering the latest in Amateur Radio from around the UK - plus its a good chance to have a natter with other members (and a catch-up).
Best from the Clubroom if you can make it, but via zoom, if not.
Sat23Nov202410:00Eaton Manor
This year’s Midlands Round Table event will take place on
Saturday 23rd November 2024 at Eaton ManorThe event will follow much the same format as previous events, with the day having a relaxed schedule of talks aimed primarily at UKuG, BATC and AMSAT interests and other innovative areas of amateur radio.
Test and fix equipment will be available, together with tables of goodies to get your hands on, or that you want to part with, and there will be a QO100 satellite demonstration station as well.
The event is being held at:
Eaton Manor
Church Stretton
SY6 7DH. -
Thu05Dec202420:00P25:10350 or YSF:GB-WARC
Why not grab a coffee, a wine or a beer and join us for our monthly hotspot net?
P25: TG 10350
YSF: GB-WARC (#06284)All welcome
Tue17Dec202420:00Club and zoom - code 867 3049 5863
Are you working on a project? Done anything out of the ordinary? Excited about a new discovery?
Why not give a short talk or review in it? A few minutes is all that is needed and it might give other members a desire to try something new also. It’s always good to hear from as many members as possible, we have such a wide ranging and diverse club, so why not share some of your interests?
As ever, all welcome.