What’s On

We meet Tuesday evenings 19:45 for 20:00, Thursday mornings 10:00 and Sundays 14:00. Tuesdays and Sundays are hybrid in person and Zoom meetings (Join us in person or using zoom, code 867 3049 5863) Thursday mornings are exclusively in person, see schedule below or  contact us for more details.

Event Information:

  • What's On

    Event Information:

    • Tue

      Tx Factor 26 - The Highlights

      20:00Own shack via Zoom

      Tx Factor 26 has recently been released, some content being held over from last March due to the lockdown difficulties, some being newly produced.  Probably with some editing, we'll take a look at this edition which includes an interview with PW VHF/UHF  author,Tim Kirby and reviews of some of the latest Icom products and add-ons.